Saturday, 26 September 2009

Japanese Auto Festival + old skool beats

So the Wangan Warriors Crew and I went to the Japanese car event a couple of weeks ago. Good fun, the weather was shit in the morning but fortunately it turned out to be a lovely day. There were looooaaaaads of cars, many ricers but a lot of serious set-ups as well. I'll put a couple of pictures on. Want to see the rest? Check the Wangan Warriors forum -> Meetings.

Putting the banner up

Wangan Warriors represent!

What do you need umbrellas for?

Johan and piss-face

Johan doing his laps


Now, something completely different:
Spookrijders - Klokkenluiders. A proper Dutch hiphop song which came out in 1999.
I miss that old skool stuff, it's all commercial bollocks nowadays.
Check that beat out!

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